
Education for Ozone Therapy
Ozone is triatornic oxygen, so in order to introduce ozone; we have to start with oxygen.
Ozone Education: First, The Importance of Oxygen
Oxygen is life-giving, Life-sustaining element. We can not survive more than few minutes without oxygen. As we know that most of the body cells depends on oxygen. Ninety percent of Body energy is created by oxygen through aerobic metabolism. Proper Cellular Oxygenation is the only way to get the best of health.
Oxygen Percentage
Decrease of Atmospheric Oxygen
Oxygen is life-giving, Life-sustaining element. We can not survive more than few minutes without oxygen, As we know that most of the body cells depends on oxygen. Ninety percent of Body energy is created by oxygen through aerobic metabolism. Proper Cellular Oxygenation is the only way to get the best of health.
Decrease of Atmospheric Oxygen
What is Ozone?
It is also generated by the action of the high voltage of thunder (lightning) on atmospheric oxygen near earth. This explains the fresh air that we smell following rain.
In addition, ozone is generated by the action of sea waves on oxygen at the sea-shore with the characteristic smell.
Benefits of Ozone in Nature
What can Ozone do (generally speaking)?
- Inactivates Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Parasites and Protozoa
- Stimulates Immune System, Speeds Healing
- Cleans Arteries and Veins, Improving Circulation
- Oxidizes Toxins, Facilitating their Excretion
- Normalizes hormone and Enzyme Production
- Reduces Inflammation and Pain.
- Scavenges Free Radicals
- Chalets Heavy Metal, working well in conjunction with EDTA
- Stimulates production of Protective Enzymes
Educational History of Medical Ozone
- The German scientist C. Lender published an article in 1870 under the title ozone purify the blood.
- The first water treatment plan with ozone was in Holland in 1893. Now there are more than 3200 water
treatment plans with ozone in the world. During the First World War (1914-1918) ozone used to treat
wounds, foot gangrene and effect of poisonous chlorine gas. It was found that infected wounds
washed with rain water (containing ozone) heal faster than wounds washed with river water. - The German scientist Dr.Otto Warburg was awarded Noble Prize in Medicine in 1931 and in 1944 for his theory of the basic cause of cancer in damaged cell respiration and the importance of ozone as a preventive measure and treatment.
- In 1972 the International Ozone Association was established.
- In 1983 first International Medical Ozone Association conference was held in Washington.
How Does Ozone Work?
Ozone Targets Only Diseased Cells and Pathogens
Diseased cells, viruses, harmful bacteria and other pathogens carry such a charge and so attract ozone and its by-products. When ozone is introduced into the blood, it reacts with these oxidisable substrates killing viruses, bacteria and fungi. In addition, the metabolic waste products of these organisms are oxidized and an oxygen rich environment is provided which healthy cells can thrive.
Normal healthy cells can not react with ozone or its by-products as they posses a balanced electrical charge and strong enzyme system.
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