
Is Ozone Harmful?


Is Ozone Harmful?

If ozone was not safe, we would not be able to go outside and breathe the air, especially during sunshine, a thunderstorm, lightning, or after the rain. The fact is, when used responsibly, ozone is very safe just like oxygen and very beneficial to our planet and all of us that live here. To prove this obvious fact, many scientific studies have been done by experts on ozone, and all confirm the safety and beneficial aspects of ozone over and over again.

Here Is What Some Doctors Say About Ozone:

“Recent authoritative investigations have established, that pure Ozone is Nontoxic even in concentrations as great as 20 or 50 parts per milliliters of air.”
– Clark Thorp, Ph.D., MD

“Pure Ozone is not poisonous in any sense of the word as is breaks down in contact with the mucous membrane, and only Oxygen remains.”
– A. Hill, MD

“Ozone is absolutely harmless when used correctly. We have demonstrated this over a period of many years in patients of all ages.”
F. B. Carpenter, MD

Air Purification, Water Purification, Deodorization, and Food Sanitation

Whether it’s harmful fumes, chemical gases, odors, or any other scented air pollutant, ozone destroys virtually all airborne and water type pollutants!

Where Are Ozone Type Purifiers Used?

Ozone type air purifiers have been used safely for years in homes as well as by professional restoration companies to remove fire and flood odors. They are also found in some major hotel chains, they use them to convert smoking rooms to nonsmoking rooms. Ozone type air purifiers are rapidly becoming the popular choice for indoor air purification. These advanced type air purifiers are great for use in your home, office, basement or any other area you wish to purify and/or sanitize not just the air, but also surfaces throughout indoor environments.

Ozone Levels and Their Effects

Data from IOA

Edited by Den (Zdenek) Rasplicka – Ozone Services

ppm = Parts per million volume air concentration

0.001 ppm

Lowest value detectable by hypersensitive humans. Too low to measure accurately with elaborate electronic equipment.

0.003 ppm

Threshold of odor perception in laboratory environment, 50 per cent confidence level.

0.003 ppm to 0.010 ppm

The threshold of odor perception by the average person in clean air. Readily detectable by most normal persons. These concentrations can be measured with fair accuracy. Ozone levels measured in typical residences and offices equipped with a properly operating electronic air cleaner when outdoor ozone level is low. Infiltrating outdoor ozone could cause higher indoor concentrations.

0.020 ppm

Threshold of odor perception in laboratory environment, 90 per cent confidence level.

0.001 to 0.125 ppm

Typical ozone concentrations found in the natural atmosphere. These levels of concentration vary with altitude, atmospheric conditions and locale.

0.020 to 0.040 ppm

Representative average total oxidant concentrations in some major cities in 1964. Approximately 95 per cent or greater of these oxidants are generally accepted to be ozone.

0.040 ppm

CSA limit for devices for household use. Measured as sustained concentration in test room.

0.050 ppm

Maximum allowable ozone concentration recommended by ASHRAE in an air conditioned and ventilated space.

0.050 ppm

Maximum allowable ozone concentration produced by electronic air cleaners and similar residential devices according to the proposed amendment of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. (Note: Keep this figure in mind when selecting an ozone type air purifier)

0.100 ppm

The maximum allowable ozone concentration in industrial working areas: permissible human exposure – 8 hours per day, 6 days a week.

0.100 ppm

Continuous maximum ozone concentration allowable (per U.S. Navy_ in confined quarters such as atomic submarines).

0.100 ppm 

Maximum allowable limit for industrial, public, or occupied spaces in England, Japan, France, the Netherlands and Germany.

0.15 to 0.51 ppm

Typical peak concentrations in American cities.

0.200 ppm

Prolonged exposure of humans under occupational and experimental conditions produced no apparent ill effects. The threshold level at which nasal and throat irritation will result appears to be about 0.300 ppm.

0.300 ppm

The ozone level at which some sensitive species of plant life began to show signs of ozone effects.

0.500 ppm

The ozone level at which Los Angeles, California, declares its Smog Alert No. 1. Can cause nausea in some individuals. Extended exposure could cause lung edema (an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue or serous cavity). Enhances the susceptibility to respiratory infections.

1.00 to 2.00 ppm

Los Angeles, California, declares its Smog Alert No. 2 at 1.00 ppm ozone concentration and Smog Alert No. 3 at 1.500 ppm. When this range of ozone concentration was inhaled by human volunteers for 2 hours, it caused symptoms which could be tolerated without incapacitation with the symptoms subsiding after a few days. The symptoms were headache, pain in the chest, and dryness of the respiratory tract.

1.40 to 5.60 ppm

The pinto bean exposed to 1.4 to 5.0 ppm ozone concentrations for 70 minutes showed some signs of severe injury to mature leaves.

5.00 to 25.00 ppm

Experimentation showed that a 3 hour exposure at 12 ppm was lethal for Guinea pigs. Welders who were exposed to 9 ppm concentration plus other air pollutants developed pulmonary edema. Chest X-rays were normal in 2 to 3 weeks, but 9 months later they still complained of fatigue and exertional dyspnea (labored respiration).

25.00 ppm and up

Ozone concentrations that are immediately hazardous to human life are unknown but on the basis of animal experimentation, and exposure at 50 ppm concentration for 60 minutes would probably be fatal.
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