
Neighbor Special


Neighborhood Discount of 50% Off

At Austin Ozone we not only believe in giving everyone the opportunity to detox their body but we also believe that the community is the life blood for any business. That being said, for first time customers we would like to offer you, our neighbor, 50% Off your initial consultation. If you are an existing client, we would like to offer you 50% Off our single session price for Ozone Therapy.

Ozone Detoxification Sauna includes the administration of Oxygen/Ozone gas into the sauna to strengthen (and regulate) the immune system, decrease bacteria, virus, fungi, mold presence in the body, increase energy levels and metabolism, plus so much more.

To Receive 50% Off Your Next Session Please Fill Out The Form Below

Fill out the form below and one of our therapists will record your information for your next visit. Please let the therapist know about the neighborhood special when you show up for your appointment so they can apply your discount.

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